1.Establish cooperative team is selected by JNU | EDP academic directors, project manager and enterprise select EDP project cooperation team is responsible for personnel cooperation for the entire curriculum system in further refining design, process management and summarizes the feedback. The team will be the first to clarify company management goals, learning objectives and expected results.
2. Training demand analysis is organized according to the demand of the enterprise to conduct a comprehensive analysis to the customer, in order to have a thorough understanding of enterprise strategic priorities, enterprise culture and the industry environment, interpreting their challenges and learning needs, comprehend and satisfy the common goals of both sides. The analysis and sorting high-level interview with potential student research refers one of the priorities of the enterprise custom project design basis.
3. Determine the early case discussion in JNU | EDP, professors, academic directors and enterprise appointed project manager, under the joint efforts of JNU|EDP enterprise custom will be submitted to the suggestions of the courses at the beginning. Once the case is passed, JNU | EDP will begin to customize the specific teaching content, instruction process, suitable cases and auxiliary supporting projects.
4. Curriculum implementation management JNU | EDP enterprise custom have the professional quality of industries, the project team responsible for all matters related to logistics and service courses, the implementation of total quality management system will be set-up as needed.
5. After identifying curriculum evaluation the completion of each course module, the professor or JNU | EDP will collect feedback of the students regarding the course contents and teaching methods, to ensure that students demand the particular guidance, course quality of continued ascension. We to open "implementation plan", in-depth client company, physical exercises, and able to play the role to help enterprises solve real problems in a gleam of lifting scheme or execution.